Saturday, February 20, 2021

A Tribute to Our Daughter Eileen




This Wednesday, February 24th, would have been our daughter’s 39 birthday.  That proverbial age memorialized by the "ageless" comedian Jack Benny.   For Eileen however, she will be 38 forevermore.

Eileen would've been a fan of Jack Benny because she loved all the old sitcoms and comics of that past era that her Mom and I grew up with during the 1950’s and early 60’s, especially the hilarious skits of the I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners series.  

And there was no end to her admiration for the ill-fated Marilyn Monroe.  Her apartment walls had more than one photo of the glamorous Hollywood star, like this one.

She kept uplifting quotes for herself, especially those of social psychologist Dr. Bo Bennett.  For example:  “For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.”  She was also apparently aware of how people stereo-type others, negatively impacting one’s self-esteem.  Several quotes from her papers show this:

“The  more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you”


“If people talk about you behind your back, it’s because you’re ahead of them”

She had a fondness for writing poetry and from some of hers that she left, not realizing that her Mom and I would read these after her short life ended, we found this one, dated January 17th, 1998, rather prescient and reflective of who she really was inside.

Before It’s Too Late by Eileen Beck    

I’d like to say all that needs to be said, before it’s too late;
Tell you everything I’ve always wanted to say.
Realism doesn’t click in until something real happens,
but why did you have to prove it to him?

Before it’s too late I just want you to know just how much I care,
because this has made me realize we won’t always be here

Before it’s too late put my hand in yours
Assure me that you’ll hold me dear until we live no more
Because nothings worse than knowing that you ran out of time

This is but a small sample of who Eileen was   I could fill a volume of these memories.  She was brave on so many fronts but being human she also had her fears and worries.  There were those times when she would want to be around her family lovingly and at other times wanted more keeping to herself.

Those who knew her well I’m sure will recognize this glimpse of Eileen and who perhaps have even deeper, ebullient remembrances of her.  Her mom, brother and I would love to have you share them with us.

I feel certain that Eileen would want you all to love and hold those close to you everyday so you won’t have to regret that you waited too late.  Extend acts of kindness to strangers.  I’m sure she would feel that in doing so you would lift those up who perhaps never heard or felt the love and concern from those they wanted to receive it from the most.

We love you Scooter




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