Friday, April 29, 2022

Has Denton’s nonpartisan policy for City elected officials turned a dark corner

“In a democracy, supposedly we hold power by what we do at the ballot box, so therefore the more we know about political power the better our choices should be and the better, in theory, our democracy should be.” - Robert Caro

A campaign mailer recently sent out by the Protect & Serve Texas PAC supporting Denton Mayoral Candidate Gerard Hudspeth raised a couple of concerns for me.  The PAC, originating in Austin, is throwing its support behind a local candidate who two out of its three Directors reside in the State Capitol and one resides in Dallas.  Not an uncommon practice for outside sources to support local candidates but one that shows its close ties to state government.  One that has routinely demonstrated their role as a “nanny state” over local governments.

But  perhaps one of the most disconcerting features of the ad was its decision to violate Denton’s somewhat sacrosanct policy of avoiding any party affiliation to City election campaigns.  It presented itself as the “2022 REPUBLICAN VOTER GUIDE, for the Mayor’s race.  The PAC’s choice was Gerard Hudspeth over current Place 6 City Councilman, Paul Meltzer.  Both of these men are well known acquaintances of mine and ones I feel comfortable calling friends.  Both have served Denton well but obviously my preferences lean more towards one than the other.

It is troubling to me that Mayor Hudspeth would allow this Austin-based PAC to cross the line of impartiality in their support of him, violating our City’s traditional, ethical standard by representing him as the “Republican” candidate.  It is no secret to most Denton voters who know which party the candidates likely align themselves with.  But these alliances remain off the public register and for good reason.
It is been the long-standing practice of city races to leave Party affiliation aside in the hopes that it will reduce the growing division amongst Texas voters and instead encourage citizens to practice meaningful researching of candidates and their policies.  Efforts that should make for sound voter choices.  Sadly, too many voters put aside this effort and merely look at the (R) or (D) next to the candidate’s name.  A lazy action that has led one major Party to elect people who seem to have no moral compass.

Labeling themselves as Republican or Democrats allows them to engage in hyperbole and misleading information, while giving give scant attention to matters important to voters.

Case in point on the Hudspeth-supporting PAC flyer is the deliberate attempt to muddy what the “defund police movement “ really represents and its alleged effect on growing crime rates in the nation.     By default, the mailer suggests that Hudspeth’s opponent supports the worst aspects of the PAC’s absurd claims.

You have to wonder too if the Protect & Serve Texas PAC’s attempts to attract more voters might not have the opposite affect.  Now it seems is not the right time to parade one’s “Republican” affinities before concerned voters, especially Independents.  Today’s GOP promotes no substantive policies and defends the out of control delusions of their twice-impeached President

More thoughtful Republicans are fleeing their Party because of its increased occupation with baseless conspiracy theories and their support of lunatic fringe candidates over their traditional conservative model.  

Role-modeling this behavior is our own Texas governor Abbot’s silly and needless blockade of commercial transports at the border, negatively impacting consumer costs that were already high from inflation.  Right behind him is the federally-indicted State Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who abuses his authority to intimidate one of Denton’s families raising a transgender child.  Also friends of mine.

I sincerely hope we start to see a reverse towards adult, responsible behavior with many of the GOP spineless leaders who demonstrate no shame in lying and one of the more extreme members of the House who urged the White House to declare “Marshall law” to overturn the certifiable 2020 presidential election.

Maybe this can start in our own backyard.   I hope my friend Gerard Hudspeth will take steps to block any further attempts to break with tradition that could set a precedent, dragging our city elections down to the base level we’re seeing throughout the Republican Party